Motorcycle accidents aren't always caused by rider negligence or operator error. Sometimes accidents are the result of a product defect, which is completely out of your control. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident in Decatur, DeKalb County because of a manufacturing defect, taking legal action is absolutely necessary. A DeKalb County, GA accident lawyer can help you file a personal injury claim to receive compensation for your injuries and other losses.

Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, DeKalb County Caused by Product Defect 

A motorcycle is recalled when a defect or error is discovered. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is responsible for providing information on motor vehicle recalls. The manufacturer of the motorcycle must file a public report explaining the defect, how it was discovered and how they plan to fix it. The manufacturer must also notify owners about the recall.

Examples of a product defect that can lead to an accident include:

  • handlebar defects, which can cause a motorcycle to wobble and decreases the rider's stability;
  • rear tire defects, which can also create lessened stability; and
  • fuel line defects, which pose a fire hazard. 

It is important to note that by federal law, the manufacturer of the motorcycle must provide free repairs to any individual who owns the defective product. If your defective motorcycle has caused an accident and injuries, your lawyer would have to prove that the accident was caused by a manufacturing defect.

By filing a personal injury claim with the manufacturer, you may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Additionally, you may be entitled to other damages from the liable manufacturer if they did not follow through completely with their legal obligations regarding the recall. The process can be tricky so it is best to have an experienced lawyer helping you each step of the way.

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