"Asleep at the Wheel" Car Crashes
Any number of factors could contribute to a driver who falls asleep at the wheel, including use of sedating medications, untreated disorders such as sleep apnea, lack of sleep and late-night shift work.
These car crashes can be particularly serious, because typically:
- a single car leaves the road (runoff);
- the accident occurs on a high-speed road (55 to 65 mph); and
- the driver does not try to avoid crashing.
While the drowsy drivers in these accidents may not have intentionally or knowingly caused harm, any Atlanta car accident attorney will tell you that they can still be accountable for your injuries, as it's their duty to provide a level of care to other drivers.
Head-on Collisions
This accident occurs when the front of one vehicle collides with the front of another vehicle or object, and is most common at night.
Typically, head-on collisions are caused when:
- the other driver is under the influence of alcohol;
- the other driver is asleep; or
- the other driver turns the wrong way on a one-way street or enters the highway from the wrong direction.
Seeking Compensation after Your Georgia Car Crash
Other common and equally dangerous car crashes in Georgia can also include pedestrian accidents, highway accidents, lane change crashes, rollovers and even runoff crashes, in which the vehicle actually leaves the roadway.
Regardless of the type of car crash in which you were involved, if someone else's careless or negligent behavior resulted in your injuries, you may very well be able to seek compensation with the help of an Atlanta car accident attorney.
Instead of letting yourself get bogged down in court documents and legalese, consider partnering with an Atlanta car accident attorney, who can guide you throughout the Georgia personal injury claims process, look out for your best interests and fight for your compensation.
Contacting an Atlanta Car Accident Attorney
If you are the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a traffic accident or some other type of accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a no-cost consultation on your injury case - 404.467.0909.