If you have been seriously injured in a scaffold accident, you may be entitled to file a Georgia Workers' Compensation claim. This type of work accident could result in a lengthy recovery and substantial medical bills. An Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney will fight for your legal rights after such a work accident in Georgia.
Additionally, an Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney will guide you through the process of filing your Georgia Worker's Compensation claim. They will look out for your best interests and advocate for your rights as an injured worker who has suffered damages because of a scaffold accident.
Some of the common causes of a scaffold accident in Georgia include:
- improper construction;
- lack of maintenance;
- defective equipment;
- planking/support gives way;
- slips;
- improper installation;
- overloaded equipment;
- lack of training;
- lack of protective equipment; and
- objects falling.
Injuries from a scaffold accident can be catastrophic or deadly. You may be entitled to receive benefits from a Workers' Compensation claim if you have experienced a workplace injury in Georgia. Contact an Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney today who can help you fight for the maximum amount of benefits available.
Contacting an Atlanta Workers' Compensation Lawyer
If you are the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a scaffold accident or some other type of work-related accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a consultation on your injury case - 404-842-7838.