When you decide to file a Georgia personal injury claim, you'll have one very important choice: whether or not to hire an attorney who can assist you throughout the claims process. If you do decide to seek legal representation, the first thing your Atlanta personal injury lawyer will do is review your case to determine if you are eligible to file a personal injury claim in the first place.
If you and the attorney decide to move forward with your claim, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can then take over all communications between you and the insurance companies involved.
This is one of the best benefits of hiring an attorney after being injured in an accident, because insurance adjusters are trained to trick you into saying something or twisting the meaning of your words to get you to harm your own injury claim. With your attorney speaking to the insurance adjusters for you, you have a better chance of obtaining a fair settlement.
Reviewing the Damages
Next, your attorney will look over all of the evidence you've been able to gather on your own, and in some cases, can help you acquire additional information you might not have or didn't know was relevant to your injury claim. This will help your attorney to determine what types of compensation you may be entitled to and how much compensation to fight for.
Negotiating a Settlement
With all this information collected, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can more accurately assess and more persuasively argue for a fair settlement. If a settlement is offered your attorney can help you review it to ensure it addresses your current and future accident-related needs. If not, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer can enter into negotiations with the insurance company. If those negotiations don't end in a successful resolution to your case, you and your attorney can file a lawsuit and take your case to court.
Your can learn more about how to file a personal injury claim in Georgia by visiting our article library.
Contacting an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer
If you are the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a traffic accident or some other type of accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a no-cost consultation on your injury case - 404-842-7838.
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