A motorcycle accident can be a serious financial strain on you and your family. You could face expensive medical bills for injuries, costly repairs for damages to your vehicle, lost wages because of time spent away from work, and much more. To protect yourself and your finances, it’s important to exercise the utmost caution when operating a motorcycle. 

Follow these simple safety tips that could prevent a dangerous and expensive motorcycle accident: 

  • Be observant. It’s vitally important to be aware of your surroundings as a motorcycle driver. Know where cars are around you at all times and be aware of the road and weather conditions. Always be alert; scan your surroundings constantly for upcoming dangers or hazards.
  • Take a safety course. Even if you’ve been riding motorcycles your entire life, a motorcycle safety course can help reinforce vital safety and defensive driving skills. The Motorcyclist Safety Foundation holds safety courses all over the country throughout the year.
  • Wear a helmet and other protective clothing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helmets reduce the likelihood of death in a motorcycle accident by nearly 40 percent. The Georgia state helmet law, enacted in 1969, requires drivers and riders to wear a helmet at all times while on a motorcycle. Violators are issued a citation and fine. 


If you were involved in a motorcycle accident, call 1-404-467-0909 to discuss your case with an Atlanta personal injury attorney at S. Burke Law.


Sheryl L. Burke
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Atlanta Injury Attorney
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