Trucking companies are legally allowed to destroy certain evidence that could make or break your injury claim within weeks of your trucking accident. The trucking company should not destroy evidence if it believes there will be litigation involving a truck accident. 

However, a truck company is actually allowed by law to destroy critical evidence such as:

  • the driver's logbook;
  • onboard recordings;
  • the truck's GPS device; and
  • even the truck in some situations. 

The company may claim evidence was destroyed accidentally or in accordance with federal regulations, but the truth is the truck company will do anything possible to avoid looking negligent and having to pay substantial compensation packages in the wake of a fatal truck accident.

If you don't know what evidence to look for, or know how to obtain this evidence before the trucking company can destroy it, your claim may be over before it even begins. To help ensure vital evidence concerning your Georgia truck accident is not lost or destroyed before you can analyze it for your personal injury claim, contact an experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyer as soon as possible after your truck accident.

To learn more about trucking company negligence, please visit our article library

Contacting an Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer

If you are the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a truck accident or some other type of accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation for which you may be eligible to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a no-cost consultation on your injury case - 404-842-7838.

Sheryl L. Burke
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Atlanta Injury Attorney
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