It may become necessary to seek legal counsel from an Atlanta workplace injury attorney if you have concerns about your rights and benefits as a worker after experiencing a workplace accident in Georgia. An attorney can assist you throughout the entire claims process to make sure it is being handled in a fair manner.
After you have been injured at work, your employer gets to choose the doctor you will see. This is called an independent medical exam (IME).
An independent medical exam should be done not only after experiencing an injury while on the job, but may be required if the recovery is taking longer than expected. If the worker is also released from medical care, but was given a higher than expected disability rating by the treating physician, then an IME should take place.
The benefits of undergoing an independent medical exam are that it documents the condition of the worker and verifies the injury occurred while on the job to the employer or insurance company.
An independent medical exam may be required after a workplace accident. If you have any disagreements with the results or any other concerns with your rights as a worker, then you should contact an Atlanta workplace injury attorney for help.
Contacting an Atlanta Workplace Injury Attorney
If you were injured at work, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a no-cost consultation on your injury case – 404-842-7838.
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