According recent Georgia motorcycle accident statistics compiled by the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the number of motorcycle accidents in the state for the last full year reported (2018) is lower than the peak set two years prior. In 2018, a total of 154 motorcyclists lost their lives on Georgia's roads and highways, down from 172 in 2016. That said, the overall trend line has been flat for the last decade, indicating that motorcycle deaths in Georgia are not consistently decreasing.
2018 Georgia Motorcycle Accident Statistics
The latest data from the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety shows that Georgia saw 15 more motorcycle fatalities (154) in 2018 than in 2017 (139), but 18 fewer than in 2016 (172). This is a mixed bag, indicating that while the situation has been worse for Georgia motorcyclists in the recent past, it is far from ideal.
The majority of fatal motorcycle accidents in Georgia in 2018 involved riders who were wearing helmets. Of the 154 victims, 134 were wearing helmets, 16 were not wearing helmets, and the helmet status of the remaining four is unknown. This ratio breaks down in a similar fashion to years past. On the one hand, this suggests that most motorcyclists in Georgia follow the state's helmet law. On the other hand, it shows that while helmets can reduce the chance of a traumatic injury, they cannot eliminate it, as shown by the number of motorcyclists who were wearing a helmet but still died.
If you've lost a loved one in a fatal motorcycle crash, you are likely facing a battle against the insurance companies to settle your wrongful death claim. Most insurance companies try to stereotype motorcycle drivers as reckless and careless drivers who speed and ignore traffic laws. You should obtain the help of a Georgia motorcycle accident lawyer to give yourself the chance to negotiate a fair settlement.
When a Motorcycle Accident is Not a Collision
Not all motorcycle accidents involve collisions with other vehicles. Some motorcyclists die from other factors while riding.
These include:
- A medical emergency, such as a heart attack
- Loss of control resulting in the rider being thrown from bike.
- The motorcycle sliding and crushing the rider.
The motorcycle doesn't have to hit an object to result in fatal injuries, which is why many wrongful death claims from motorcycle accidents can be difficult to prove. Contact a Georgia motorcycle accident attorney from S. Burke Law to evaluate your case and help you pursue a fair settlement.
Deadliest Motorcycle Crash Counties in Georgia
According to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS), the counties with the highest rates of motorcycle accident fatalities in 2018 were:
- Wayne
- Telfair
- Towns
- Toombs
- Madison
- McDuffie
- Jasper
- Gordon
Even if you were not injured in these towns, we can likely help you.
After a Georgia Motorcycle Accident
Keep in mind that the above statistics are only for motorcycle accident fatalities. The number of motorcyclists who are injured in crashes but do not die is far higher than the number who lose their lives.
This means there are many Georgia residents who suffer moderate to severe bodily injuries each year in motorcycle accidents, resulting in serious medical bills, lost wages, and emotional damages. If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury from a Georgia motorcycle accident, you may need to file an injury claim for compensation for these damages.
A Georgia motorcycle accident attorney will show you the best way to gain compensation for your damages. They can help you deal with the insurance companies whose first line of business is to find a way to deny your claim. The insurance adjuster may sound sympathetic to your situation, but remember that they are in the business of keeping money in their company’s pockets and not paying out to claimants.
An experienced Georgia motorcycle accident attorney will know the tricks and tactics used to deny claims and help you avoid those pitfalls. The Georgia motorcycle accident statistics show that these accidents can and do happen to victims like you, and your insurance or the other driver's insurance should compensate you adequately for your losses.
Contacting a Georgia Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Your Motorcycle Accident Claim
If you were the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a motorcycle accident or some other type of accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible to receive in order to help get your life back in order, contact S. Burke Law at (404) 842-7838 for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. We will fight for the compensation you deserve, and there is never a fee until we win money for you.