Accident and Injury Assessment and Compensation
An investigation into personal injury claims often involves assessing your injuries. An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer like Sheryl Burke will use your medical records before and after the accident, along with your medical reports to paint a clear picture for the insurance adjuster, judge or jury on the injuries you suffered and damage they have caused.
Additionally, this information often is used to compare with similar cases to determine the amount of compensation you might expect to be awarded. Although no two cases are exactly alike, it provides your team with a general idea of where the case may lead and how to strengthen it.
A personal injury Atlanta law firm may find that recent cases resembling your circumstances have presented the opposing side with an argument of partial fault. If an injured victim shares fault for the accident, then the compensation value decreases.
All of this information is invaluable in building your case, and so is securing a solid Atlanta law firm known for personal injury expertise.
Contacting an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer
Atlanta personal injury lawyer Sheryl Burke knows what it takes to present a strong personal injury case. If you are the victim of someone else’s negligence or carelessness, whether in a traffic accident or some other type of accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a no-cost consultation on your injury case – 1-404-842-7838.
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Aliza Lewis
03/06/2013 04:36 AM
Really whenever one need a solution to the problem of some injuries then approaching a personal injury lawyer is the best option. They are only at this moment who can decide about the cases to be solved and the compensation which one need to receive of the injuries incorporated. The blog is great and so the injury lawyer's team. Keep it up.
Carlotta Ware
03/26/2013 05:21 PM
I can attest to this. The best injury lawyers are found in New York. I have hired one from there and she was so good! I was so guided well by her.
Simon Paul
03/30/2015 05:26 AM
It seems that, you are actually enjoyed your profession, would you accept a case outside of injuries?
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