While work on any construction site in Georgia carries with it a special set of risks, a project with an open elevator shaft opens up workers to a host of other safety issues. While the thought of a fall down an open elevator shaft immediately comes to mind (it accounts for 50% of all elevator shaft fatalities) there are a number of other risks associated with elevator shafts, including an elevator collapse or even handling elevator equipment itself.
The following are some examples of dangerous conditions at a construction site in Georgia that could potentially lead to an elevator shaft fall or other accident:
- elevator shafts of 6 feet or more that are unprotected (without a safety net system, guardrails or a personal arrest system);
- lack of emergency response plans (if workers are in a remote area and cannot provide directions to dispatchers, this is a cause for concern); and
- lack of training on safety procedures (including instructions on how to safely operate elevator equipment).
Contractors, landowners and other employers owe a duty to their employees to present a safe work environment. When they fail to do this and an employee sustains a severe work injury, that employee has the right to file a Workers' Compensation claim.
Even though Georgia Workers' Compensation insurance is necessary for employers with 3 or more employees, if you've sustained a severe work injury from an elevator shaft fall and have concerns about your future, contact an Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney. An attorney can assist you through the entire claims process to advocate that you are being offered a fair award.
Contacting an Atlanta Workers' Compensation Attorney
If you are the victim of a work injury, you have certain rights guaranteed by Georgia Workers' Compensation law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke to discuss your injury case - 404-842-7838.