Another common injury that can occur from a fall in a scaffolding accident is a spinal cord injury. If a worker falls the spinal cord can be torn, severed or crushed. This can result in a complete loss of function below the level of injury. Paralysis is a serious threat to a worker involved in a scaffolding accident.

While a traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury are the most severe injuries to sustain, there are other injuries that can result from a scaffolding accident. Fractures are common, especially to the hip, pelvis, vertebrae, arms and legs. Severe back and neck injuries are other types of injuries suffered in a fall from scaffolding.

These types of injuries can leave an individual permanently disabled, disfigured and facing a long road to recovery. A workplace injury in Georgia that is the result of a scaffolding accident may lead to a Georgia Workers' Compensation Claim.

Workers' Compensation in a Scaffolding Accident in Georgia

Georgia Workers' Compensation is designed to compensate a worker after suffering a work-related accident, such as a scaffolding accident in Georgia.

You may be eligible to receive compensation for:

  • lost income;
  • medical bills; and
  • vocational rehabilitation.  

Whether or not the scaffolding accident was your fault, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries, provided your injury occurred while you were performing an official task related to your employment and you were not violating company policy at the time.

How an Atlanta Workers' Compensation Attorney Can Help

Unfortunately, providers and sometimes employers who are tasked with paying Georgia Workers' Compensation benefits are not always looking out for your best interests. To get the most out of your benefits for the longest time possible, you should contact an Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney.

An Atlanta Workers' Compensation attorney will work hard to help you maximize your benefits after a workplace injury in Georgia. In addition, they will fight for your legal rights and advocate that you get the compensation you deserve after a serious scaffolding accident.

Contacting an Atlanta Workers' Compensation Lawyer

If you are the victim of someone else's negligence or carelessness, whether in a scaffolding accident or some other type of work-related accident, you have certain rights guaranteed by law. To help you understand these rights and seek the compensation you may be eligible for to help get your life back in order, contact the Atlanta Law Offices of Sheryl L. Burke for a consultation on your injury case - 404-842-7838.