In an instant, an injury can change your life. Suddenly, you could be dealing with pain like never before, spending days in the hospital, and looking at a long road to recovery. Once you get through the initial shock of your injury, then come the hospital bills, doctor bills, and other related costs. It can pile up quickly, adding financial stress to your physical pain.

If your injury requires you to miss work, you could be dealing with these costs as well while going without a paycheck – and that is not to mention your regular bills, which do not stop coming in just because you cannot work.

A personal injury lawyer in Clayton County can help. The attorneys at S. Burke Law will evaluate your case and give you options for going forward with your claim for damages.Call us today at 404-842-7838 for your free consultation.

How Can an Injury Lawyer Help Me?

Making an injury claim requires you to prove that the other party acted negligently, that their negligence caused your injuries and the amount of your damages.

We will gather evidence to build your claim, including police reports, witness statements, surveillance videos, if available, and your medical bills. We may also employ accident reconstructionists, medical, and other experts as needed.

After we complete our investigation, we will ask the negligent party or their insurance company to pay for your damages. If we cannot negotiate a fair settlement, we might file a lawsuit against the responsible party and ask a judge to decide the case.

What Damages Can I Recover From a Personal Injury Claim?

We understand that recovering from a serious injury creates many expenses. Some of the damages we pursue include:

  • Medical bills: Your medical bills include hospital costs, surgery, follow-up care, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and more. We do not seek damages only for your current bills.

  • Future medical bills and supportive care: We also project future costs associated with your injuries – potentially for life.

  • Lost wages: We ask for two types of compensation here. First, any wages you forfeit while missing work to recover from your injuries. Also, money you are no longer able to earn because your injury reduced your earning capacity.

  • Pain and suffering: We build a strong case for pain and suffering damages.

What Are the Most Common Injury Claims the Firm Handles?

Our files run the gamut; no matter what type of injury you suffered, we can investigate, identify the responsible parties, gather evidence against them, and help you build your claim for compensation.

Vehicle Collisions

Like any personal injury firm, a large part of our work involves representing people injured in motor vehicle collisions. This includes both standard car accidents as well as collisions involving semi trucks. If you suffered injuries in an auto crash, there are several parties we could potentially pursue for damages:

  • Another driver: Perhaps another driver's negligence caused your injuries.
  • The vehicle manufacturer: In cases where the collision resulted from a defect in your vehicle.
  • A parts manufacturer: If something wrong with a specific part of your vehicle, such as faulty brakes or a dud tire caused your wreck.
  • A trucking company: Trucking companies have vicarious liability for the actions of their drivers. This is good news for victims of truck accidents, as trucking companies have significantly greater financial resources than individual drivers.

Slip and Fall

A slip and fall, innocent as it sounds, can lead to devastating and life-changing injuries, particularly in young children and the elderly. A slip and fall injury that occurs on someone else's property can be grounds for a liability suit. Property owners and managers must keep their property free from hazards and to protect guests from any dangers that emerge.

How Can I Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Clayton County?

The attorneys at S.Burke Law are ready to help you with your injury claim. Call us today for a free consultation: 404-842-7838.